How to get through the holidays chronically ill or not

The holidays are a magical time. For many of us, they are equally magical as they can be stressful on our physical, emotional, and social health. In talking with some of our Next Step young people here are their tips and tricks to getting through the next month or so.






  • Pack a bag wherever you go. Bring some slippers, warm socks, something to read, your OTC meds and importantly your WATER BOTTLE. Hydrating is so important.
  • Going to parties? Check-in with your close friends and let them know how you’re doing. Create a code word if you need to leave early or hang somewhere quiet. Prioritize your time. If there are many parties decided which ones are the ones that you’re going to and don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t go to all of them or have to cancel.
  • When you have a quiet moment between social, school, or work events really cherish it. And schedule some downtime. Recharge. “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
  • Meditate in whatever way works for you. Some find the guided meditation apps helpful. Some like to just have a few deep breaths when sipping their tea/coffee. Slow down thoughtfully for a moment.
  • If you have hobbies DON’T neglect them. Take the time to enjoy your thing and relax.
  • Communication doesn’t mean you have to talk to people all the time but be open and responsive to your best limit.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for/go get what you want or need. Depriving yourself for any amount of time for no reason is just detrimental.


By incorporating some of this advice may we all have a wonderful holiday season! Looking forward to celebrating with my loved ones near and far (and taking some much needed “me time” as well)!

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