Where in the World is Quita?

She’s been all over the place in the last couple of weeks.

Quita was at the 20th Annual Chronic Illness and Disability Conference with our favorite Kimberly Khare and Jodi Elliott.

On October 23rd they ran a workshop during the Transition Research Consortium highlighting the need for the medical and community-based communities to work together to ease the transfer of young people from pediatric to adult lives.

This was in the fabulous city of Houston. It was a fun town to be in during the 2019 World Series.

On Friday 10/25 Quita went with our amazing fall intern Catherine to a symposium at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. It was “Making the Cut: Promises and Challenges of Gene Editing.” Catherine and Quita were there to talk to symposium attendees about the work Next Step does working with young people living with diagnoses that could one day be altered by gene-editing technologies.

Quita then drove up to Maine for the annual Rare New England Conference. She spoke as a resource for young adults living with rare and chronic conditions about the programming Next Step has. Don’t worry Quita was back in time for the Tackle Sickle Cell Casino Night!


What a fun couple of weeks to call work.

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